Medical Abbreviations:
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A |
a | artery, before | |
aa | equal part of each | |
AA | affected area | |
AAA | abdominal aortic aneurysm | |
A2 | aortic second sound | |
AAL | acute lymphoblastic, leukemia, anterior axillary line | |
ab | antibody | |
AB | abortion | |
abd | abdomen | |
ABG | arterial blood gasses | |
ABN | abnormal | |
ABP | arterial blood pressure | |
abs | absent | |
a.c. | before meals (ante sebum) | |
Ac | acute | |
AC | anterior chamber | |
acc | accident | |
accom. | accommodation | |
acid phos. | acid phosphate | |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament | |
ACTH | adrenocorticotrophic hormone | |
AD | right ear | |
add. | abductor or abduction | |
ADH | antidiruetic hormone | |
ADL | activites of daily living | |
ad lib | as desired | |
adm. | admission | |
AE | above elbow | |
AEA | above elbow amputation | |
AF | atrial fibrillation, afebrile | |
AFB | acid fast bacilli | |
AFO | ankle-foot orthosis | |
AFP | alpha fetoprotein | |
A/G | albumin globulin ratio (blood) | |
AGA | appropriate gestational age | |
AI | aortic insufficiency | |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | |
AJ | ankle jerk | |
a.k. | above knee | |
aka | alcoholic ketoacidosis | |
AKA | above knee amputation | |
alb. | albumin | |
alc. | alcohol | |
alk. phos. | alkaline phosphate | |
ALL | acute lymphocytic leukemia | |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | |
ALT | alternating with, alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT) | |
AMA | against medical advice | |
amb. | ambulating, ambulatory | |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction | |
AML | acute myeloid leukemia | |
amnio | amniocentesis | |
amp. | amputation, ampule | |
ANA | antinuclear antibody | |
anes. | anesthesia | |
ann. fib. | annulus fibrosis | |
ANS | autonomic nervous system | |
ant. | anterior | |
ante | before | |
ANUG | acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis | |
Anxty | anxiety | |
A/O | alert and oriented | |
AOB | alcohol on breath | |
AODM | adult onset diabetes mellitus | |
AP | ante partum | |
A&P | auscultation and percussion | |
A-P | anteroposterior | |
APC | atrial premature contractions | |
aph | aphasia | |
A-P & lat | anteroposterior and lateral | |
AP resection | abdominal perineal resection of the rectum | |
aq. | water | |
AR | aortic regurgitation | |
ARD | acute respiratory distress | |
ARDS | adult respiratory distress syndrome | |
ARF | acute respiratory failure, acute rheumatic fever | |
AROM | artificial rupture of membranes | |
art | arterial | |
AS | left ear,aortic stenosis | |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin | |
A.S.A. | American Society of Anesthesiologists | |
A.S.A. 1 | normal healthy patient | |
A.S.A. 2 | patient with mild systemic disease | |
A.S.A. 3 | patient with severe systemic disease | |
A.S.A. 4 | patient with incapacitating systemic disease that is constant threat to life | |
ASAP | as soon as possible | |
ASCVD | atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease | |
ASD | atrial septal defect | |
ASHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease | |
at. Flutter | atrial flutter | |
ATN | acute tubular necrosis | |
ATNR | asymmetrical tonic neck reflex | |
AU | both ears | |
aud. | auditory | |
Aur. Fib | auricular fibrillation | |
A-V | arteriovenous | |
AVF | arteriovenous fistula | |
AVR | aortic valve replacement | |
A&W | alive and well | |
Ax. | axilla, axillary | |
A.Z. | Ascheim-Zondek test | |
B |
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B. | bath | |
BA | barium | |
Bab. | Babinski sign | |
Ba.E | barium enema | |
Bas. | basal,basilar | |
baso | basophile | |
BBB | bundle branch block | |
BBT | basal body temperature | |
BCA | basal cell atypia | |
BCD | basal cell dysplasia | |
BCE | basal cell epithelioma | |
BCG | bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine (tuberculosis vaccine) | |
BDC | burn dressing change | |
BE | below elbow, barium enema | |
BEA | below elbow amputation | |
BFP | biological false positive | |
Bic. | biceps | |
b.i.d. | twice daily | |
BIH | bilateral inguinal hernia | |
bilat. | Bilateral, bilaterally | |
bili | bilirubin | |
b.i.n. | twice a night | |
BiW | twice weekly | |
BJ | biceps reflex | |
bk. | back | |
BK | below knee | |
BKA | below knee amputation | |
bl cult | blood culture | |
bld. | blood | |
Bl.T | bleeding time | |
BM | black male, bone marrow, bowel movement | |
BMR | basal metabolic rate | |
body wt. | body weight | |
BOMA | otitis media, both ears, acute | |
BOW | bag of water | |
BP | blood pressure | |
BPD | bronchopulmonary dysplasia | |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy | |
BPM | beats per minute | |
Br. | breech presentation | |
BR | bedrest, bathroom | |
brach. | brachial | |
BrBx. | breast biopsy | |
broncho | bronchoscopy | |
BRP | bathroom privileges | |
BS | blood sugar, bowel sounds | |
B.S. | breath sounds | |
BSA | body surface area | |
BSB | bedside bag | |
BSC | bedside commode | |
BSD | bedside drainage | |
BSO | bilateral salpingooophorectomy | |
BST | blood serologic test | |
BT | bleeding time | |
BTL | bilateral tubal ligation | |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen | |
BW | birth weight | |
Bx. | biopsy | |
C |
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c. | with | |
C | cervical, Caucasian | |
C. | centigrade, Celsius complement | |
CI-XII | 1st to 12th cranial nerve | |
C-1 to C-7 | cervical vertebrae | |
Ca | calcium | |
CA | carcinoma, cancer | |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft | |
CAD | coronary artery disease | |
CAHD | coronary atherosclerotic heart disease | |
Cal | calorie, calories | |
CAPD | continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis | |
Caps | capsules | |
car. | carotid | |
card. | cardiac | |
Card Cath | cardiac catheterization | |
CAT | computerized axial tomography | |
cath | catheterization, catheter | |
CB | Cesarean birth | |
CBC | complete blood count | |
CBD | common bile duct | |
CBF | cerebral blood flow | |
CBG | capillary blood gas | |
CBR | complete bed rest | |
cc. | cubic centimeter | |
CC | chief complaint | |
CCU | coronary care unit | |
CD | cardiac disease, contagious disease | |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen | |
Cerv. | cervix, cervical | |
CF | cardiac failure, cystic fibrosis | |
CHD | congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease | |
Chem. | chemotherapy | |
CHF | congestive heart failure | |
CHO | carbohydrate | |
Chol | cholesterol | |
Chr | chronic | |
C.I | color index | |
CI | cardiac insufficiency, cardiac index | |
CIS | carcinoma in situ | |
CK | creatinine kinase | |
Cl | chlorine, chloride | |
Clav. | clavicle | |
cldy | cloudy | |
CLL | chronic lymphocytic leukemia | |
Cl.T | clotting time | |
cm. | centimeter | |
CML | chronic myeloid leukemia | |
CMV | cytomegalovirus | |
CN | cranial nerve | |
CNS | central nervous system | |
cnst. | constipation | |
c/o | complains of, complaints | |
Co2 | carbon dioxide | |
comb. | combine, combination | |
comm. | communicable | |
comp. | compound, compress | |
conc. | concentrated | |
cons. | consultation | |
cont. | contractions, continued | |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | |
Cor | heart | |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure | |
CPC | clinicopathological conference | |
CPD | cephalo-pelvic disproportion | |
CPK | creatinine phosphokinase | |
CPPB | continuous positive pressure breathing | |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation | |
CPT | chest physical therapy | |
CR | closed reduction | |
cran. | cranial | |
CRD | chronic respiratory disease | |
creat. | creatinine | |
CRF | chronic renal failure | |
C/S, CS | Cesarean section | |
C&S | culture and sensitivity | |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid | |
C-spine | cervical spine | |
CT | computed axial tomography | |
C-V | cardiovascular | |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident, costovertebral angle | |
CVL | central venous line | |
CVP | central venous pressure | |
CVS | cardiovascular system | |
Cx | cervix, culture | |
CxR | chest x-ray | |
Cysto | cystoscopy | |
D |
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DAP | distal airway pressure | |
db. | decibel | |
DBE | deep breathing exercise | |
d/c | discontinue | |
DC | discharges, discontinue | |
D&C | dilation and curettage | |
DD | discharge diagnosis | |
D/DW | dextrose, distilled water | |
DDx | differential diagnosis | |
D&E | dilation and evacuation | |
decr. | decreased | |
dehyd. | dehydrated | |
Derm. | Dermatology | |
DES | Diethylstilbestrol | |
D5RL | 5% dextrose and lactated ringers | |
D5W | 5% dextrose and sterile water | |
DI | diabetes insipidus, diagnostic imaging | |
DIAG. | diagnosis | |
diam. | diameter | |
DIC | disseminated intravascular coagulation, disseminated coagulopathy | |
diff. | differential | |
dil. | dilute | |
dim. | diminished | |
DIP | distal interphalangeal (joint) | |
dis. | disease | |
disch. | discharge | |
disp. | disposition | |
dist. | distilled, distal | |
DIU | death in utero | |
div. | divorced | |
DJD | degenerative joint disease | |
DKA | diabetic ketoacidosis | |
DLE | disseminated lupus erythematosis | |
D/L DI | decilter | |
DM | diabetes mellitus, diastolic murmur | |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid | |
DNKA | did not keep appointment | |
DOA | dead on arrival | |
DOB | date of birth | |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion | |
Dors | dorsal | |
D.P. | dorsal pedia | |
DPT | diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine | |
DR | delivery room | |
D&R | dilation and radium implant | |
drsg. | dressing | |
D/S | discharge summary | |
DTR | deep tendon reflexes | |
DTs | delirium tremens | |
DU | duodenal ulcer | |
DUB | dysfunctional uterine bleeding | |
DUI | driving under influence | |
D/W | dextrose in water | |
Dx | diagnosis | |
E |
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e | without | |
EBL | estimated blood loss | |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus | |
ECF | extended care facility, extracellular fluid | |
ECG | electrocardiogram | |
ECHO | enterocytopathogenic human orphan virus | |
E.coli | Escherichia coli | |
ECS | endocervical scrape | |
ECT | electroconvulsive | |
ED | emergency department | |
EDC | estimated date of confinement | |
EDOD | estimated date of delivery | |
EEG | electroencephalogram | |
EENT | eyes, ears, nose, throat | |
EEX | electrodiagnosis | |
EGA | estimated gestational age | |
EGD | esophago- gastroduodenoscopy | |
EKG | electrocardiogram | |
elev. | elevated | |
ELF | elective low forceps | |
EmBx | endometrial biopsy | |
EMG | electromyogram | |
EMS | endometrial scrape, emergency medical service | |
En. | enema | |
ENT | ears, nose, throat | |
Eoc. | eosinophiles | |
EOM | extraocular movement | |
Epis. | episiotomy | |
Epis.LML | left mediolateral episiotomy | |
Epis. Med. | medial episiotomy | |
Epis. RML | right mediolateral episiotomy | |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography | |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate | |
EST | electroshock therapy | |
ETIOL. | etiology | |
ETOH | ethanol | |
EUA | examine under anesthesia | |
EVAL | evaluation | |
ex. | exercise, example | |
expir | expiration, expiratory | |
Exp. Lap | exploratory laparotomy | |
ext. | extremities, external | |
ext. gen. | external genitalia | |
F |
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F | finger, female, Fahrenheit | |
FA | fluorescent antibody | |
F.A. | first aid | |
F.B. | foreign body | |
FBS | fasting blood sugar | |
FD | fully dilated | |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration | |
FDP | flexor digitorum profundus | |
Fe def. | iron deficiency | |
FEF | forced expiratory flow | |
FEKG | fetal electrocardiogram | |
fem. | femoral | |
fem. pop. | femoral popliteal | |
fet. | fetal | |
FEV | forced expiratory volume | |
f.f. | force fluid | |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma | |
fh | fundal height | |
FH | family history, fetal heart | |
FHR | fetal heart rate | |
FHR-UC | fetal heart rate- uterine contraction | |
FHT | fetal heart tones | |
FiO2 | faction of inspired oxygen concentration | |
fl. | fluids | |
flac. | flaccid | |
flex. | flexor, flexion | |
fl. oz. | fluid ounce | |
FM | finger movement | |
FPAL | full term premature abortion living | |
fract. | fractional | |
FRC | functional residual capacity | |
FS | finger stick | |
FSH | follicle stimulating hormone | |
FT | full term | |
FTD | failure to descend | |
FTND | full term normal delivery | |
FTT | failure to thrive | |
FUB | functional uterine bleeding | |
F/U,F-U,F.U. | follow-up | |
FUO | fever of unknown origin | |
FVC | forced vital capacity | |
FW | fetal weight | |
Fx | fracture | |
G |
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G | gravida | |
G.A. | general anesthesia | |
GB | gallbladder | |
GBS | gallbladder series | |
G.C. | gonococcus | |
GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale | |
GE | Gastroenterology | |
G/E | gastroenteritis | |
gen, genl. | general | |
gest. | gestation | |
GFR | glomerulo filtration rate | |
G.H. | growth hormone | |
G.I. | gastrointestinal | |
gluc | glucose | |
gm | gram | |
Gm+ | gram positive | |
Gm- | gram negative | |
gm.% | grams per 100 c.c. | |
GMA | grand mal attack | |
GNC | general nursing care | |
GP | General Practitioner, general paralysis | |
gr. | grain, grains (dosage) | |
Grav. | pregnancy | |
gt. | drop | | | gait training | |
gtts. | drops | |
GSW | gunshot wound | |
GTT | glucose tolerance test | |
GU | genitourinary | |
G/W | glucose and water | |
GYN | Gynecology | |
H |
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h | hour | |
H | hydrogen history, hour, hypodermic | |
H/A | headache | |
HAF | hyperalimentation fluid | |
HASCVD | hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease | |
Hb., Hgb | hemoglobin | |
HB | heart block | |
HBP | high blood pressure | |
HC | head circumference | |
H&C | hot and cold | |
HCG | human chorionic gonadotropin | |
HCO3 | bicarbonate | |
Hct. | hematocrit | |
HCVD | hypertensive cardiovascular disease | |
h.d. | at bedtime | |
Hd | head, Hodgkins disease | |
HDl | high density lipids | |
HEENT | head, eyes, ears, nose, throat | |
hern. | hernia | |
Hem | Hematology | |
Hem Pro | hematology profile | |
Hep. Lock | Heparin lock | |
HGO | hepatic glucose output | |
HH | hard of hearing | |
HIDA(scan) | hepatobiliary scan | |
HIE | hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy | |
hist. | history, histology | |
HIV | human immunodificiency virus | |
HKAFO | hip knee ankle foot orthosis | |
HLA | human leukocyte group A, histocompatibility leukocyte focus | |
HM | hand movement | |
HMD | hyaline membrane disease | |
HMG | human menopausal gonadotropin | |
HNP | herniated nucleus pulposus | |
h/o | history of | |
H.O. | house officer | |
HOB | head of bed | |
horiz. | horizontal | |
H&P | history and physical | |
hpf | high power field | |
HPI | history of present illness | |
HPL | human placental lactogen | |
HR | heart rate | |
H.R.S.T. | heat, reddening, swelling, tenderness | |
HS | bedtime | |
HSG | hysterosalpingography | |
H2O | water | |
H2O2 | hydrogen peroxide | |
Ht | height, heart | |
HVD | hypertensive vascular disease | |
Hx | history | |
Hyperal. | hyperalimenation | |
Hz | hertz (cycles/second) | |
I |
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I | radioactive iodine | |
IA | intra-arterially | |
IABP | intra-aortic balloon pump | |
i.c. | intracutaneous(ly) | |
ICCU | intensive coronary care unit | |
ICF | intracellular fluid | |
ICS | intercostal space | |
ICT | insulin coma therapy | |
ICU | intensive care unit | |
i.d. | during the day | |
ID | intradermal, identification, Infectious Disease | |
I&D | incision and drainage | |
IDDM | insulin dependent diabetes mellitus | |
I/E | inspiratory, expiratory | |
Ig | immunoglobulin | |
IGA | immunoglobulin A | |
IGE | immunoglobulin E | |
IGG | immunoglobulin gamma G(Globulin) | |
IGM | immunoglobulin M | |
IH | infectious hepatitis | |
IHD | ischemic heart disease | |
IM | intramuscular, intramedullary | |
IMCU | intermediate medical care unit | |
imp. | impression | |
IMP | inpatient multidimensional psych scale | |
IMV | intermittent mandatory ventilation | |
In. | inches | |
Inc. AB | incomplete abortion | |
incr. | increased (ing) | |
Inev. AB | inevitable abortion | |
inf | infusion, inferior | |
inj | injured, injection | |
INR | coagulant response time | |
inspir | inspiration, inspiratory | |
int. | internal | |
INTHC | intrathecally | |
IO | inferior oblique | |
I&O | intake and output | |
IOP | intraocular pressure | |
IP | intraperitoneal | |
IPJ | interphalangeal joint | |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing | |
IQ | intelligence quota | |
IRDS | idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome | |
irreg. | Irregular | |
IS | intercostal space | |
IST | insulin shock therapy | |
ITP | idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura | |
I,U., IU | International Unit | |
IUC | intrauterine catheter | |
IUCP | intrauterine contraceptive device | |
IUD | intrauterine device | |
IUFD | intrauterine fetal death | |
IUGR | intrauterine growth retardation | |
IUP | intrauterine pregnancy | |
IUTP | intrauterine term pregnancy | |
IV | intravenous(ly) | |
IVC | inferior vena cava, intravenous cholangiogram | |
IVD | intervertebral disc | |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram | |
IVPB | intravenous piggy back | |
IVU | intravenous urogram | |
J |
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J | joint | |
J-P | Jackson Pratt drain | |
JRA | juvenile rheumatoid arthritis | |
jt. | joint | |
JVP | jugular venous pulse | |
K |
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K | potassium, kidney | |
KC1 | potassium chloride | |
Kcal. | Kilocalorie, calorie | |
Kg., kg. | kilogram | |
KJ, K-J | knee jerk | |
KK | knee kick | |
17 KS | 17 keto steroids | |
KUB | kidney, ureter, bladder (x-rays) | |
KVO | keep vein open | |
L |
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L | left, liver, liter, lower, light, lumbar | |
L2,L3 | second, third lumbar vertebrae | |
LA | left antrum | |
lab. | laboratory | |
lac. | laceration | |
lacr. | lacrimal | |
lact. | lactic | |
LAD | left anterior descending coronary artery | |
L&D | labor and delivery | |
LAE | left atrial enlargement | |
lam. | laminectomy | |
lap. | laparotomy | |
lat. | lateral | |
LAVH | laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy | |
lax | laxative | |
lb. | pound | |
LB | large bowel | |
LBBB | left bundle branch block | |
LBP | lower back pain | |
LBW | low birth weight | |
LCA | left coronary artery | |
L.D. | lethal dose | |
LDH | lactic dehydrogenase | |
LDL | low density lipids | |
LE | lupus erythematosus | |
L.E. | lower extremities | |
leuc. | leukocytes | |
LF | low forceps, low flap | |
LFA | left frontoanterior | |
LFD | low forceps delivery | |
LFP | left frontoposterior | |
LFT | left frontotransverse, liver function test | |
lg | large, leg | |
LGA | large for gestational age | |
LGV | lymphogranuloma venereum | |
LH | luteinizing hormone | |
LHT | left hypertrophia | |
LICS | left intercostal space | |
lig. | ligament | |
LIH | left inguinal hernia | |
liq. | liquid | |
LKS | liver, kidneys, spleen | |
LL | lower lid | |
LLE | left lower extremity | |
LLG | left lateral gaze | |
LLL | left lower lobe | |
LLQ | left lower quadrant | |
LMA | left mentoanterior | |
LMD | family doctor | |
l/min | liter per minute | |
LML | left mediolateral | |
LMP | left mentoposterior, last menstrual period | |
LMT | left mentotransverse | |
L.N. | lymph node | |
LNMP | last normal menstrual period | |
LOA | left occiput anterior | |
L.O.C. | loss of consciousness, level of consciousness, laxative of choice | |
LOM | left otitis media | |
LOP | left occipital posterior | |
LOS | length of stay | |
LOT | left occiput anterior | |
LP | lumbar puncture, light perception | |
lpf | low power field | |
LPN | licensed practical nurse | |
LR | labor room, lateral rectus, light reflex | |
LRQ | lower right quadrant | |
Ls. | loose | |
L.S. | lumbosacral | |
LSA | lateral sacrum anterior | |
LSB | left sternal border | |
LSCS | lower segment Cesarean section | |
LSK | liver, spleen, kidneys | |
LSO | left salpingo-oophorectomy | |
LSP | left sacrum posterior | |
LST | left sacrum transverse | |
Lt. | left, light | |
LTCS | low transverse Cesarean section | |
LUE | left upper extremity | |
LUL | left upper lobe | |
LUQ | left upper quadrant | |
LV | left ventricle | |
LVEDP | left ventricular end diastolic pressure | |
LVF | left ventricular failure | |
LVH | left ventricular hypertrophy | |
L & W | living and well | |
LWCT | Lee-White Clotting Time, coagulation time | |
Lymphs | lymphocytes | |
lytes | electrolytes | |
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