Sunday, August 13, 2006

New Record Set on Arabella Street!

In September 2004, Denise set a record for jackets on chairs by draping a week's worth of jackets on the four counter chairs in our kitchen (it was a holiday-shortened four day work-week). That memorable event was recorded for posterity and posted on the internet here. I've checked the Guiness World Record site in the amazing feat section, and, inexplicably, she isn't listed. Now, though, I'm going to write the Guiness people and insist on her inclusion because she has broken her record. Five jackets on four chairs!!!

Five Jackets on Four Chairs - 13 August 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Water Bug

The family was over Sunday to celebrate the birthdays of two nieces and a nephew -- Olivia, Jessica, and Jason. Another niece, London, would have been celebrated, but she was away visiting grand parents. I rode forty miles early then spent about three hours preparing the house and yard for the party. I was exhausted all day, so I didn't take as many birthday photos as I usually do. In fact, I took none. I did take a few shots of Jessica in the pool. She was first in, last out, and went in and out all day. She's a real waterbug.

