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This is an archive of the newsletter <:>inter alia<:>. <:>inter alia<:> is a newsletter of resources from the internet collected, repackaged and published periodically by David J. L'Hoste. Topics vary widely, but intermittently include: A Word A Day, Weird Facts of the Day, HotSites, Graphic of the Day, On This Day, This Day in History, Quote of the Day, and Cool Fact of the Day. To subcribe to the <:>inter alia<:> mailing list send an email with "subscribe inter alia" only in the message section to cyanocitta@hotmail.com To unsubscribe from the <:>inter alia<:> mailing list send an email with "unsubscribe inter alia"only in the message section to cyanocitta@hotmail.com |
Copyright © 1999 David J. L'Hoste |
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Table of Contents 29 October 1998In Today's Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Day -- palimpsest 2. Cool Fact of the Day -- Tallest Clouds 3. Quote of the Day -- Mark Turcotte 4. HotSites -- Miscellany ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Daypalimpsest (PAL-imp-sest) noun1. A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible. 2. An object, a place, or an area that reflects its history. [Latin palimpsestum, from Greek palimpseston, neuter of palimpsestos, scraped again : palin, again. kwel + psen, to scrape.] "All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and re-inscribed exactly as often as was necessary." Gorge Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1949 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 2. Cool Fact of the DayTallest CloudsThe tallest individual clouds are thunderstorm or cumulonimbus clouds, which can be 60,000 feet tall, twice the height of Mt. Everest! A thunderstorm forms when warm, moist air rises and expands. As the air cools, some of the water vapor condenses into cloud droplets, releasing more heat. The added heat causes the moist air to rise still faster. In a mature thunderstorm, the updrafts can be as fast as 100 feet per second. A single thunderstorm can lift over 500,000 tons of water into the sky, most of which falls as rain before the storm dissipates. Pictures and descriptions of cumulonimbus clouds: http://www.windows.umich.edu/earth/Atmosphere/tstorm/supercell_photo_image.html http://thunder.simplenet.com/photo/cb.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 3. Quote of the Day -- Mark TurcotteForeign Shore. . . the message is coated with static steel clutter poking into the sky the landscape eclipsed by the shadows of devastation . . . Mick Vranich The sky is black and milky as I rest on this foreign shore, feeling as if I'm looking down from someplace higher. All along the beach the gulls sound together lifting toward the stars, one giant wing. This would be the perfect night, the perfect moment for you to signal me with your ancient alien frequency. There is no static, now. --- Mark Turcotte The Feathered Heart Michigan State University Press Copyright © 1995, 1998 by Mark Andrew Turcotte. All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 4. HotSitesGreat coverage of the Micro$oft antitrust suit by JOEL BRINKLEYAND STEVE LOHR of the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/reference/index-microsoft.html -- Exihibiting the power of the internet, AnyWho is a powerful searchable database of phone numbers with reverse directory, addresses and maps. For example, subscriber Paul Cordes lives on Audubon Street in New Orleans. So what, you say. Well, some of his neighbors: J. Klein, 620 Audubon St. Alejandro Centurion (no joke), 626 Audubon St. Paulette Hurdlik, 618 Audubon St. http://www.anywho.com/ -- Virtually every news service and network will have live coverage of the Discovery launch this p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ Table of Contents 27 October 1998In Today's Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Day -- carmine 2. Quote of the Day -- Michael Burns 3. Cool Fact of the Day -- Largest Predator 4. HotSites -- Halloween ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Daycarmine (KAHR-min, -MYN) noun1. Color. A strong to vivid red. 2. A crimson pigment derived from cochineal. carmine adjective Color. Strong to vivid red. [French carmin, from Medieval Latin carminium, probably blend of Arabic qirmiz, kermes, and Latin minium, cinnabar.] "Carmine is used to color candy, ice cream, juice drinks, yogurt, fruit fillings in baked goods, port wine cheese, lipsticks, vitamins and other products. It has previously been implicated in attacks of anaphylaxis, asthma, hives and other symptoms..." Susan Okie; Coloring in Food, Makeup Tied to Allergic Attack, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 27 Dec 1997. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 2. Quote of the DayJoy's GrapeA naked woman rides a naked man and vamps, and moans, and both pretend to mount the summit of desire, but they in these small hours seem a long distance from me, and my own passionate wave is a pain like a volcano that has come awake deep underneath a right back molar. To pass the time until my next Darvon, I write a poem in my head about a man whose heart maybe once was like a live volcano but now it's harmless and lava that ran from his head to the tip of his toes has solidified into that cold, hard flake of light people see in the back of his eyes. Soon the ache begins to grow itself into a shape that is almost tangible, and I don't know if it will help, but I go get the grapes out of the refrigerator and wash them, carry them in to the TV in a dark green bowl. I place the roundness of one ripe grape on top of the pain and then, as if testing the tightness of its skin and how much pressure it can stand against my throbbing tooth before it splits, I bite. It bursts. The Showtime couple arch and bare their teeth, and somewhere far away I feel a tremor, as if that dormant heart were trying to remember how to explode. Michael Burns It Will Be All Right in the Morning University of Arkansas Press Copyright © 1998 by Michael Burns. All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 3. Cool Fact of the DayLargest PredatorThe largest predator was the megatooth shark, Carcharodon megalodon. Their maximum length is widely debated, but most estimates are around 50-60 feet! Megalodon evolved during the early Miocene epoch, about twenty million years ago, and lived until about two or three million years ago. Scientists suspect that the megatooth's main prey were the large whales, which evolved at about the same time. Today, the closest relative of the megatooth is the relatively puny great white shark, which seldom gets as big as twenty feet. More about Megalodon: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/ichthyology/research/white/megatoothshark.htm http://www.megalodonteeth.com/html/article.html How big were they? Check out this picture: http://www.wmnh.com/wmvf0003.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 4. HotSites -- HalloweenOrigins of Halloweenhttp://pages.prodigy.net/davedennis/halloween.htm http://www.csulb.edu/~merielle/darkside.html Carving Jack-O-Lanterns http://www.cyburban.com/~gusick/Pumpkins/index.html http://www.thepumpkinfarm.com/carvemenu.html http://pumpkinmasters.com/ Pumpkin Pie Recipes http://www.camellia.org/kitchen/pumpkin-pie.html http://www.recipe.com/recipe/whatcook/recipes/libbypump.htm http://www.bcbsma.com/hresource/recipes/pumpkin.html (low fat) http://www.cgs.clemson.edu/hallow3.htm (other pumpkin recipes) Costume/Makeup Tips http://www.allhallowseve.com/makeup/index.html http://users.aol.com/nebula5/hallocst.html http://cgi.cadvision.com/~burke/halloween/costumes.htm http://www.FabricLink.com/Closet.html Directories of Halloween Links http://www.atlantic.net/~bdarl/hallow1.html http://www.halloween.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ Table of Contents 22 October 1998In Today's Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Day -- etymon 2. Quote of the Day -- Marjorie Woodbury 3. Cool Fact of the Day -- Saturn 4. HotSites -- TotalNEWS and baseball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Dayetymon (ET-uh-mon) noun1. An earlier form of a word in the same language or in an ancestor language. For example, Indo-European -duwo and Old English twa are etymons of Modern English two. 2. A word or morpheme from which compounds and derivatives are formed. 3. A foreign word from which a particular loanword is derived. For example, Latin duo, "two," is an etymon of English duodecimal. [Latin, from Greek etumon, true sense of a word, from etumos, true.] "First of all, I should explain that the term femme semantically covers three basic words in Latin: MULIER, which is the more generic meaning of `woman'; UXOR, `spouse'; and FEMINA, `young woman.' Morphologically, femme comes from the Latin etymon FEMINA, whose meaning would also be the same." Baider, Fabienne, Feminism and Linguistics: How Technology Can Prove Our Point, Contemporary Women's Issues Database, 1 Dec 1996. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 2. Quote of the DayVan Gogh's ChairThose who don't believe in this sun are real infidels! he wrote to Theo. Yet, with Gauguin gone, his own health failing, he turned from the fields, the burning sun of Arles to paint his rough yellow chair. Sitting in my own yellow chair, I wonder what lured him to paint his? Perhaps he simply saw how light and shadow made it almost human, worthy of a portrait, so that he dragged it to the center of the room, arranged his pipe and tobacco pouch on the cane-bottomed seat as if to say, This is mine and began to sketch. Maybe, like me, he'd learned the comfort of things that can't leave; how, surrounded by familiar walls, a few paintings, some books, it's possible to pretend you aren't lonely, that all you have to do is rise from your yellow chair, cross the red tiles to the blue door, and open it to the friends waiting there. Marjorie Woodbury The Virginia Quarterly Review Volume 74, Number 3 Summer 1998 Copyright © 1998 by The Virginia Quarterly Review. The University of Virginia. All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 3. Cool Fact of the DayLeast Dense PlanetSaturn is the only planet in the solar system that is less dense than water. This means that any object with the same density as the planet Saturn will actually float on water! Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. It is composed mainly of hydrogen gas, with a core that is probably made of liquid hydrogen, and a small rocky body in the center. The planet rotates so fast (once every 10 hours, 39 minutes) that it is visibly flattened at the poles due to centrifugal force. It has eighteen known moons, more than any other planet, and it is circled by a spectacular system of rings and ringlets made of icy particles. Much more about Saturn, with way cool pictures and movies: http://www.hawastsoc.org/solar/eng/saturn.htm http://ringside.arc.nasa.gov/www/saturn/saturn.html http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/photogallery-saturn.html http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/welcome/saturn.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 4. HotSitesTotalNEWShttp://www.totalnews.com/ This may be a repeat, but it's worth repeating. Aside from a rather complete listing of news links, this site offers a powerful search engine of newspapers articles online. Plug in "Hurricane Georges" and more than 1200 links to articles are returned. "Rush Limbaugh" returns 19; "internet censorship" gets 213. Bookmark this one. -- Baseball http://www.worldseries.com/ http://www.totalbaseball.com/index.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ Table of Contents 13 October 1998In Today's Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Day -- monadnock 2. Quote of the Day -- Charles Webb 3. HotSite -- MotherLode Financial Links 4. Cool Fact of the Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Daymonadnock (muh-NAD-nok) nounA mountain or rocky mass that has resisted erosion and stands isolated in an essentially level area. [After Mount Monadnock, a peak of southwest New Hampshire.] "...and Ahab was fairly within the smoky mountain mist, which, thrown off from the whale's spout, curled round his great, Monadnock hump..." Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, 1851. "O stiffly stand, a staid monadnock, On her peneplain." Auden, Age of Anxiety, 1947 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 2. Quote of the Day -- Charles WebbTenderness in MenIt's like plum custard at the heart of a steel girder, cool malted milk in a hot bowling ball. It's glimpsed sometimes when a man pats a puppy. If his wife moves softly, it may flutter like a hermit thrush into the bedroom, and pipe its pure, warbling tune. Comment, though, and it's a moray jerking back into its cave. My dad taught me to hide tenderness like my "tallywhacker" not to want or accept it from other men. All I can do for a friend in agony is turn my eyes and, pretending to clap him on the back, brace up his carapace with mine. So, when you lean across the table and extend your hand, your brown eyes wanting only good for me, it's no wonder my own eyes glow and swell too big for their sockets as, in my brain, dry gulleys start to flow. Charles Webb Sycamore Review Volume 10, Number 1 Winter/Spring 1998 Copyright © 1998 by Purdue Research Foundation. All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 3. HotSite -- Financial Source MotherLodeWorldwide Banks, Stock Exchanges, Venture Capital Sources, andmuch more: http://www.cardinalfund.com/Linkspage.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 4. Cool Fact of the DayMount Everest's ProgressMount Everest, the world's highest mountain, is growing! Millions of years ago, India was an island. Due to the motion of continental plates, India drifted North and crashed (very slowly!) into Asia about forty million years ago. Its northward motion created the Himalayan mountain range, and continues today. As a result of this motion, Mount Everest is growing by an average of about four centimeters (or one and a half inches) per year! To learn more, follow these links: http://aleph0.clarku.edu/rajs/Shangri_La.html http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eastern/plates.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ Table of Contents 09 October 1998In Today's Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Day -- piedmont 2. Quote of the Day -- Andrea Hollander Budy 3. Weird Facts of the Day 4. HotSite -- SALON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Daypiedmont (PEED-mont) nounAn area of land formed or lying at the foot of a mountain or mountain range. piedmont adjective Of, relating to, or constituting such an area of land. [After Piedmont.] Piedmont 1. A historical region of northwest Italy bordering on France and Switzerland. Occupied by Rome in the 1st century B.C., it passed to Savoy in the 11th century and was the center of the Italian Risorgimento after 1814. 2. A plateau region of the eastern United States extending from New York to Alabama between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coastal plain. "Those along the northern piedmont consider themselves Bughtis and owe their allegiance to the Nawab in the remote tribal capital of Dera Bughti." Times, 2 June 1962 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ 2. Quote of the DayThis Will Be My Only unfaithfulness. I will take the man you used to be and remember him. I will draw his lines on your hands at night while we lie awake and speak to him in dark places, even while you sleep. He will not leave me. His turns will not be digressions, nor will he place new feet on the sill each day when he enters. And his words will be few, but I will know them the way any woman knows the body of her lover. I will hear them every time we touch. -- Andrea Hollander Budy House Without a Dreamer 1993 Winner of the Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize Story Line Press Copyright © 1993, 1995 by Andrea Hollander Budy. All rights reserved. Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ 3. Weird Facts of the DayThere are five counties in Texas that are larger thanthe state of Rhode Island. Wind speeds on Saturn approach 1,000 miles per hour. Air isn't particularly light: In a moderate-size room with enough space for twenty-five people, the air in the room weighs almost as much as the people. The average meteor is no larger than a grain of sand. Control of the thumb requires more of the brain's gray matter than does the control of the chest and abdomen. The shell of the 1,500-pound leatherback turtle is as big as a king-size bed. The blue whale can survive without eating for up to six months. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ 4. HotSiteSalon ezine -- very good online magazine bold enough to coverboth sides of the Monica thing. http://www.salon1999.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ Table of Contents 02 October 1998In Today's Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Day -- billingsgate 2. Quote of the Day -- Neal Bowers 3. Weird Facts of the Day 4. HotSites -- Outdoors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Daybil.lings.gate n [fr. Billingsgate, old gate and fishmarket in London] 1652: coarsely abusive language Les Payne, The Sad Truth Behind the Slur, Newsday, 01-21-1996, pp A50. "So blatant was Pike's slander that even Don Imus, the New York shock jock, was moved to beg for mercy. It must, however, be noted that whenever this geyser of billingsgate casts a glance at a person other than himself it's a sure bet he smells a profit, a few yucks or a chance to settle a score." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ 2. Quote of the DayDurationPrinciple 1: It goes on as long as it goes on. The gods care/don't care how can you know? Principle 2: The gods cannot be known. Still, it doesn't hurt to assume they know you. Principle 3: As long as it's going on and the gods might be watching (even with indifference), it makes sense to dust and vacuum now and then. Principle 4: Dust is the only dependable weather. Ask the philodendron the next time you remember to water it. Principle 5: To the philodendron you may be a god. Stamp on the floor and flip the light switch to simulate thunder and lightning. Principle 6: Being a god is an endless job. Indifference is bound to set in sooner or later — not that you don't care. Principle 7: No amount of care is enough when it's too late and the only thing to do is to dump the plant and its hardened clump of soil. Principle 8: When it's over it's over. -- Neal Bowers Copyright © 1997 by the Modern Poetry Association. All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ 3. Weird Facts of the DayThe ocean liner Queen Elizabeth II moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel fuel it burns. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. Cats have more than one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs have only about ten. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the ages of 2 to 6. The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado. No new animals have been domesticated in the past four thousand years. About 100 million trees are used in making the junk mail sent in the U.S. each year. More than 90 percent of American college students say they use email — but only 63 percent say they use a computer. A human's eyes are the same size from birth. On January 3 the Earth is about 3 million miles closer to the sun than it is on July 4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ 4. HotSites -- Outdoorshttp://www.alloutdoors.com/http://www.gorp.com/ http://www.greatoutdoors.com/ http://outside.starwave.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~ Table of Contents 01 October 1998In Today's Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A Day 2. HotSite 3. Quote of the Day 4. Cool Fact of the Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 1. A Word A DayJacobin (JAK-uh-bin) noun1. A radical or extreme leftist. 2. A radical republican during the French Revolution. 3. A Dominican friar. [French after the Jacobin friars, in whose convent the Jacobins first met.] "Undoubtedly the biggest reason that Gates' shattering of records has passed by without exciting Jacobin passions in the heartland is the democratization of Wall Street and the growth of mutual funds." Randall E. Stross, Bill Gates: Richest American Ever and You Thought Rockefeller Had Money, Fortune, 4 Aug 1997. This weeks's theme: eponyms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 2. HotSite -- global sea stateshttp://seaboard.ndbc.noaa.gov/Maps/wrldmap.shtmlThis NOAA-run site provides current and historical wind, wave, temperature and other data from moored and drifting sea buoys around the world. (Data from 42007 - 22 nm South-Southeast of Biloxi, MS., for passage of Hurricane Georges is not yet available on the archive page). --- Site submitted by Paul Cordes (he got it from a salty in-law). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 2. QOTD -- NY Times OP EDFrom the NY TimesOctober 1, 1998 An Easy Line to Draw By ROBERT F. DRINAN and WAYNE OWENS This is not the first time the House Judiciary Committee has been called on to determine whether actions of the President in his private life rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors." In 1974, we were members of the House Judiciary Committee that considered evidence that Richard Nixon committed tax fraud while President. The panel concluded that personal misconduct is not an impeachable offense. The evidence against President Nixon was convincing. He had claimed a $565,000 deduction on his taxes for the donation of his Vice Presidential papers, but the loophole that allowed the deduction was closed in 1969. The I.R.S. concluded that the documents for the donation had been signed in 1970 and backdated. There was persuasive evidence that Nixon was personally involved in the decision, making him criminally liable for tax fraud. But the committee decided by a vote of 26 to 12 that he should not be impeached for tax fraud because it did not involve official conduct or abuse of Presidential powers. As one of the committee's most partisan Democrats, Jerry Waldie, said, "Though I find the conduct of the President to have been shabby, to have been unacceptable, and to have been disgraceful even, this is not an abuse of power sufficient to warrant impeachment." This bipartisan conclusion was made easier because the first order of business when the committee convened in 1974 was to discuss what the standards should be for impeachment. Without such standards, the impeachment process could become a partisan free-for-all. The committee stipulated from the beginning that "because impeachment of a President is a grave step for the nation, it is predicated upon conduct seriously incompatible with either the constitutional form and principles of our government or the proper performance of constitutional duties of the Presidential office." The current House Judiciary Committee would do well to "follow the precedents set in the Nixon hearings," as the chairman, Henry Hyde, recently pledged to do. If the panel applies the standard that emerged in 1974, it will decide that the charges against Clinton do not fall under the articles of impeachment. --- Robert F. Drinan and Wayne Owens are former Democratic Representatives from, respectively, Massachusetts and Utah. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ 4. Cool Fact of the DayFeathers and Bones For most flying birds, their feathers weigh more than their bones. Flying birds have hollow bones that are specially adapted to reduce weight and facilitate flight. For many birds, this means the weight of their feathers can be double the weight of their entire skeleton and as much as 20% of their total body weight. For example, a bald eagle's skeleton may weigh only about 250 grams (0.55 lbs), while its feathers weigh more than twice as much, about 630 grams (1.4 lbs). Learn more about bald eagle adaptations: http://www.realm.ca/forest/eagles/family.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~ |
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Copyright © 1999 David J. L'Hoste |
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