<:>inter alia<:> Archive

July 1999
5th ||  13th ||  27th
Archives from other months

This is an archive of the newsletter <:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>.

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:> is a newsletter of resources from the internet collected,
repackaged and published periodically by David J. L'Hoste. Topics vary widely,
but intermittently include: A Word A Day, Weird Facts of the Day, HotSites, Graphic of the Day, On This Day, This Day in History, Quote of the Day, and Cool Fact of the Day.

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with "subscribe inter alia" only in the message section to

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Copyright © 1999 David J. L'Hoste
inter alia
inter alia too

Table of Contents

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>
05 July 1999

In Today's Issue

1. A Word A Day -- querulous
2. Graphic of the Day -- Smoky Mountain Waterfall 1981
3. Quote of the Day -- Collins
4. HotSites -- Miscellany
5. Campaign 2000

1. A Word A Day

querulous (KWER-uh-luhs, KWER-yuh-) adjective
1. Given to complaining; peevish.
2. Expressing a complaint or grievance; grumbling.
[Middle English querulose, litigious, quarrelsome, from Old French querelos,
from Late Latin querulosus, querulous, from Latin querulus, from queri, to
"`Take a look at the speeches and letters of the Founding Fathers,' he
(Newt Gingrich) says. `Compare them with the querulous whining and petty
grievances of so many modern columnists and academics.' But why not
compare those statesmen with today's politicians?"
Robert Pear, What would Founding Fathers say about today's political
process?, Minneapolis Star Tribune, 3 Mar 1996.
>From A Word A Day:

2. Graphic of the Day -- Smoky Mountain Waterfall / 1981

Smoky Mountain Waterfall / 1981
by David J. L'Hoste

3. Quote of the Day -- Billy Collins

The Three Wishes
Because he has been starving,
the woodsman wishes for a skillet of hot sausages,
and because she is infuriated at his stupidity,
his lack of vision, shall we say,
his wife wishes the skillet would stick to his nose,
and thus the last wish must be also wasted
by asking the genie to please
remove the cast-iron pan from the poor man's face.
Hovering in the smoke
that wafts up from his exotic bottle,
the genie knew all along that the couple
would never escape their miserable lot —
the cheerless hovel, a thin dog in the corner,
the cold skillet resting on the cold stove —
and we knew this too, looking down from
the cloud of a sofa into the world of a book.
The man is a fool, it is easily said.
He could have wished for a million gold coins,
his wife will remind him every day
for the rest of their rueful lives,
or a million golden skillets
if he had a little imaginative flair,
and that is the pebble of truth
the story wishes to place in one of our shoes.
Nothing can come from nothing,
I nod with the rest of the congregation
. Three wishes is three wishes too many,
I mutter piously as I look up from the story.
But every time I hear it,
all I ever really feel besides a wave
of tenderness for the poor woodsman
is a biting hunger for sausages —
a sudden desire for a winter night,
a light snow falling outside,
my ax leaning by the door,
my heavyset wife at the stove,
and a skillet full of sizzling sausages,
maybe some green peppers, a few onions,
and for my seventh and final wish,
a decent bottle of Italian or even Chilean red.
Billy Collins
The Gettysburg Review
Volume 12, Number 2
Summer 1999
Copyright © 1999 by The Gettysburg Review.
All rights reserved.

4. HotSites -- Miscellany

Learn Everything
The New Millennium
The Real Beer Page
The Virtual Garden "...where gradeners grow."
HotSites Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_hs.htm
Another: http://lhostelaw.com/ia/ia2/hot_archive.htm

5. Campaign 2000

Campaign Journal: Learning Curve
by Dana Milbank
So, Utah senator Orrin Hatch is running for president. This promises to be the
most exciting event in presidential politics since the Dick Lugar campaign of
The man has it all. Media praise: "My dog has a better chance of getting the
nomination," writes The Washington Post's Tony Kornheiser. Conservative
friends: "If presidential candidates are driven by an abundance of ego,
Senator Hatch is overqualified," pines the Manchester, New Hampshire, Union
Leader. And a proven ability to close the gender gap: Remember when he
waved around a copy of The Exorcist at the Clarence Thomas hearings to
discredit Anita Hill?
Full Story:
Bilden sie Dave ein Millionär

Table of Contents

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>
13 July 1999

In Today's Issue

1. A Word A Day -- clamant
2. Graphic of the Day -- On the train to Paris 1976
3. Quote of the Day -- Williams
4. HotSites -- Miscellany
5. Campaign 2000
6. Humor

1. A Word A Day

clamant (KLAY-mant, KLAM-uhnt) adjective
1. Clamorous; loud.
2. Demanding attention; pressing.
[Latin clamans, clamant-, present participle of clamare, to cry out.]
"The only national political figure who speaks in the isolationist accent
of Middle America is the Republican Patrick J. Buchanan, who has denounced
the war as imperialistic and called for a withdrawal of all US troops
from Europe. Mr. Buchanan has been the most clamant anti-war voice of the
1990s ....
Bill Kauffman, The Americans who won't be celebrating NATO's 50th,
Independent on Sunday, 25 Apr 1999.
>From A Word A Day:

2. Graphic of the Day -- On the train to Paris 1976

On the train to Paris 1976
by David J. L'Hoste
GOTD Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_graphics.htm

3. Quote of the Day -- Miller Williams

Love Poem with Toast
Some of what we do, we do
to make things happen,
the alarm to wake us up, the coffee to perc,
the car to start.
The rest of what we do, we do
trying to keep something from doing something,
the skin from aging, the hoe from rusting,
the truth from getting out.
With yes and no like the poles of a battery
powering our passage through the days,
we move, as we call it, forward,
wanting to be wanted,
wanting not to lose the rain forest,
wanting the water to boil,
wanting not to have cancer,
wanting to be home by dark,
wanting not to run out of gas,
as each of us wants the other
watching at the end,
as both want not to leave the other alone,
as wanting to love beyond this meat and bone,
we gaze across breakfast and pretend.
Miller Williams
Some Jazz a While: Collected Poems
University of Illinois Press
Copyright © 1999 by Miller Williams.
All rights reserved.

4. HotSites -- Miscellany

Professional Cartoonists Index
Wonderful site filled with daily comics, 76 daily
editorial cartoons from the most famous, and cartoons
in numerous categories such as Bill Gates and Star Wars.
guache! Left-Handers in Society
(I happen to think it's hot.)
HotSites Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_hs.htm
Another: http://lhostelaw.com/ia/ia2/hot_archive.htm

5. Campaign 2000

Al Gore - http://www.algore2000.com/
Bill Bradley - http://www.billbradley.com/
Orrin Hatch - https://granite.vii.com/~orrin/
Pat Buchanan - http://www.gopatgo2000.org/
Bob Smith - http://www.smithforpresident.org/
John McCain - http://www.mccain2000.com/
George W. Bush - http://www.georgewbush.com/
Elizabeth Dole - http://www.e-dole2000.org
Lamar Alexander - http://www.lamaralexander.com/
Gary Bauer - http://www.Bauer2k.com/
Steve Forbes - http://www.forbes2000.com/
John Kasich - http://www.k2k.org/
Alan Keyes - http://www.keyes2000.org/
Dan Quayle - http://www.quayle.org/
Photo evidence of Barbara Bush's resemblance to George Washington

6. Humor

Subject: Some things we can learn from our dogs!
-When family members come home, drop what you are doing
and run to greet them.
-Take naps: stretch before rising.
-Run, romp, play daily.
-Eat with gusto and concentration.
-Be loyal.
-Never pretend to be something you are not.
-If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
-When someone is having a bad day-be silent, sit close,
and nuzzle him or her gently.
-Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
-When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
-No matter how often you're scolded, never pout. Run right
back and make friends.
-Delight in the simple joys of a long walk.
Submitted by subscriber Renee Rasha
Last summer, the President and Mrs. Clinton were vacationing
in their home state of Arkansas.
On a venture one day, they stopped at a service station to
fill up the car with gas. It seemed that the owner of the
station was once Hillary's high school love. Bill was quite
amused at this, but didn't mention anything at the time.
They exchanged hellos and went on their way.
As they were driving on to their destination, Bill put his
arm around Hillary and said, "Well, honey, if you had stayed
with him, you would be the wife of a service station owner
She smirked and replied, "No, if I had stayed with him, he
would be President of the United States."
Submitted by subscriber Jean L'Hoste

Table of Contents

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>
27 July 1999

In Today's Issue

1. A Word A Day -- distingue
2. Graphic of the Day -- Bluehouse in Merida 1982
3. Reading List -- Joe Conason
4. HotSites -- Miscellany
5. Campaign 2000
6. Useless Facts

1. A Word A Day

distingue (dees-tang-GAY, dis-, di-STANG-gay) adjective
Distinguished in appearance, manner, or bearing.
[French, past participle of distinguer, to distinguish, from Old French.]
"FRED HERSCH: [singing] `I used to visit all the very gay places,/ come
what may places,/ where one relaxes on the axis of the wheel of life/ to
get the feel of life from jazz and cocktails./ The girls I knew had sad
and sullen gray faces,/ with distingue traces, ...."
The Life and Music of Billy Strayhorn, Weekend Edition - Sunday (NPR),
7 Jul 1996.
>From A Word A Day:

2. Graphic of the Day -- Bluehouse in Merida 1982

Bluehouse in Merida 1982
by David J. L'Hoste
GOTD Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_graphics.htm

3. Reading List -- Joe Conason

For some important figures on the right, hatred of the Kennedys
seems to be a chronic and unmanageable psychosis. It is no
doubt linked with their own feelings of inadequacy and frustration,
as well as with their resentment of a legend that endowed public
service and liberal politics with glamour and style.
Only such a peculiar form of emotional illness can account for the
venom spat out by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and John
Podhoretz, two prominent right-wing pundits who expressed to
their offline audiences what others of their ilk were posting on the
Internet. -- Joe Conason
Full Story:
http://www.salon1999.com/news/col/cona/1999/07/27/kennedy/index.html -- From Salon.com: http://www.salon.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~~

4. HotSites -- Miscellany

Social Work
HotSites Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_hs.htm
Another: http://lhostelaw.com/ia/ia2/hot_archive.htm

5. Campaign 2000

Voters not taking issue with Republican's views
Lack of familiarity could hurt later, experts say
By Todd J. Gillman / The Dallas Morning News
A new Dallas Morning News/Belo Poll shows that Mr. Bush has
managed to appeal nationwide to voters though many don't know his views
- and though many of his views run counter to theirs.
That, experts say, may make him vulnerable in the long run. On gun control
and abortion, Democrats and competitors for the GOP nomination already
have tried to exploit the opinion gaps.
Three-fourths of everyone surveyed said they don't know where Mr. Bush
stands on most issues. Even among his supporters, 69 percent said they
weren't sure.
Full Story:
From Dallas Morning News: http://www.dallasnews.com

6. Useless Facts

The longest one-syllable word in the English language
is "screeched."
Barbie's measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33.
All of the clocks in Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.
A coat hanger is 44 inches long if straightened.
The average ear of corn has eight hundred kernels arranged
in sixteen rows.
Almonds are members of the peach family.
The symbol on the "pound" key (#) is called an octothorpe.
The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle.
The volume of the Earth's moon is the same as the volume
of the Pacific Ocean.
In Mel Brooks' 'Silent Movie,' mime Marcel Marceau is
the only person who has a speaking role.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
Submitted by subscriber Rob Gallagher
Table of Contents

Copyright © 1999 David J. L'Hoste
inter alia
inter alia too