<:>inter alia<:> Archives

August/September 2000
August 10th ||  September 14th ||  September 28th
Archives from other months

Archives of the newsletter <:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>.

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:> is a newsletter of resources from the internet collected,
repackaged and published periodically by David J. L'Hoste. Topics vary widely,
but intermittently include: A Word A Day, Weird Facts of the Day, HotSites, Graphic of the Day, On This Day, This Day in History, Quote of the Day, and Cool Fact of the Day.

To subcribe to the <:>i n t e r   a l i a<:> mailing list send an email
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Copyright © 2000 David J. L'Hoste
inter alia
inter alia too

Table of Contents

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>
10 August 2000
Happy Missouri Admission Day (1821)

In Today's Issue

1. A Word A Day -- dolce vita
2. Graphic of the Day -- . . . mostly sucking wind
3. QOTD -- Jane Shore
4. HotSites -- John Whitney's Legal Links
5. Reading List -- Cheney's Revolving Door
6. Campaign 2000 -- Parody WebSites

1. A Word A Day

dolce vita (DOL-chay VEE-tuh, -tah) noun
A luxurious, self-indulgent way of life.
[Italian : dolce, sweet + vita, life.]
"Anyway, it was at Burger and Buns that my mentor imparted a nugget of wisdom that, he claimed, would enable me to live la dolce vita." Leyner, Mark, Take my third cousin, please, Esquire, 1 Mar 1996.
>From A Word A Day:

2. Graphic of the Day

Littlest Saints Fan (my nephew Jason)
Like countless Saints fans before him -- mostly sucking wind.
by David J. L'Hoste
GOTD Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_graphics.htm

3. QOTD -- Jane Shore

Driving Lesson
"Name the eight states that begin with the letter M,"
Mohammed, my driving teacher, says.
I'm forty-one. Am I in school?
I glance at the rearview mirror, glad I can't see
my embarrassing STUDENT DRIVER bumper sticker.
I spread a ghost-map across the windshield,
quickly scroll down the East Coast, top to bottom.
"Maine. Massachusetts. Maryland."
Sweaty left hand gripping the turn signal,
I step on the gas, edging out
into congested Nassau Street in Princeton.
Twenty years since I last drove a car,
twenty years since I was a passenger in the red VW bug
my boyfriend Jeremy totaled on a Vermont back road,
twenty years since plastic surgery
fixed my broken cheekbone and eye socket,
my double vision, but not my fear.
"Are you hurt?" the priest had asked,
standing over us as we lay dazed
on bloody gravel, waiting for the ambulance.
Last rites? He'd just happened to be driving by.
Where am I? It's as if I just woke up
and found myself in the driver's seat, steering
the company car onto suburban country roads
past ugly half-built multimillion-dollar mansions,
muddy subdivisions, my right foot
on the gas, my cold hands on the wheel
nailed at ten and two o'clock.
"Minnesota," I say, "and Michigan,"
stopping inches from the crosswalk.
An orange hand flashes DON'T DON'T DON'T.
I check speedometer, fuel gauge--
the dashboard lit up like a cockpit.
"Mississippi, Missouri. Mobile, as in mobile,
as in automobile," I say. "Get it?"
Bearded Mohammed frowns, not in a joking mood.
Strip malls and luxury townhouse condos streak by
as his sneakers tap-dance around his safety brake.
We lurch. Stall. Cars behind us honk.
"Montana. Have I named them all?"
"Next lesson, I'll teach you how to park,"
Mohammed grins, adjusting his turban.
"Now, name four states that begin with the letter A."
I rev my engine. "Alabama, Arkansas."
At sea, I'm seasick in the Bible Belt.
"Arizona. Oh God, I almost forgot Alaska!"
"Relax," Mohammed says. "It's like I told you.
While you drive, you can keep your mind on
more than one thing at a time."
Copyright © 1999 Jane Shore
From the Winter 1999-00 issue of Ploughshares

4. HotSites -- John Whitney's Legal Links

John Whitney's Legal Links
A growing collection of useful legal resources.
HotSites Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_hs.htm
Another: http://lhostelaw.com/ia/ia2/hot_archive.htm

5. Reading List - Cheney's Multi-Million Dollar Revolving Door

Cheney's Multi-Million Dollar Revolving Door
by Robert Bryce
Ever since George W. Bush named him as a running mate, Dick Cheney has been all smiles. And why not? Cheney has led a charmed life. His political career included stints in the White House, Congress and the Defense Department. Then he went into the private sector and got rich.
But just how Cheney got rich deserves some scrutiny. As secretary of defense, Cheney oversaw one of the largest privatization efforts in the history of the Pentagon, steering millions of military dollars to civilian contractors. Two and a half years after Cheney left his federal job, he began cashing in on the very contracts that he helped initiate.
Full Story: http://www.mojones.com/news_wire/cheney.html
Mother Jones http://www.mojones.com/

6. Campaign 2000 -- Parody WebSites

http://www.georgebush2000.com/ (this one has stats)

Table of Contents

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>
14 September 2000
Happy Missouri Admission Day (1821)

In Today's Issue

1. A Word A Day -- didactic
2. Graphic of the Day -- 3 for 1 (again with the relatives?)
3. QOTD -- Timothy Kelly
4. HotSites -- Online Tutorials
5. Reading List -- W. is "a f------ moron"

1. A Word A Day

didactic (dy-DAK-tik) also didactical (-ti-kal) adjective
1. Intended to instruct.
2. Morally instructive.
3. Inclined to teach or moralize excessively.
4. didactics, (used with a singular verb) the art or science of teaching.
[Greek didaktikos, skillful in teaching, from didaktos, taught, from didaskein, didak-, to teach, educate.]
"Tt might be argued that literature has only very rarely represented character. Even the greatest novelists, such as Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, resort to stock caricature, didactic speaking over characters, repetitive leitmotifs, and so on. The truly unhostaged writer, such as Chekhov, is rare."
James Wood, Human, all too inhuman, New Republic, Jul 24, 2000.
From A Word A Day:

2. Graphic of the Day

Got Milk? (my nephew Jason)
by David J. L'Hoste
Jessica (my niece)
by David J. L'Hoste
Olivia (my niece)
by David J. L'Hoste
GOTD Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_graphics.htm

3. QOTD -- Timothy Kelly

Two Love Poems
Seven herons, slate, shin-deep,
stockstill, staring into what's swirled
by them on the ebb. This is how
I knew I would never leave you:
the stab, blink, the stilletoed head tipped
backwards, the quick, coiled neck stretched
skyward, to swallow.
I dreamt the kids gone, and you,
careful, reaching through apple branches
with a long-handled torch,
burning caterpillar tents. My anger,
deep mystery, was gone, and I flew
forward twenty yards with every step.
I had a rainbow on a stringer,
still kicking, to show you, grabbed him,
lost him, grabbed him, lost, etc. You,
laughing, the pole-end, flaming.
I wanted every remaining day to be
with you, slow as surfacing, slow
as the last inch of honey, slower.
Timothy Kelly
1999 FIELD Poetry Prize
Oberlin College Press
Copyright © 2000 by Oberlin College.
All rights reserved.

4. HotSites -- Online Tutorials

Online Tutorials:
HotSites Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_hs.htm
Another: http://lhostelaw.com/ia/ia2/hot_archive.htm

5. Reading List - W. is "a f------ moron"

I can't stand this Bush-is-a-moron smugness
September 13, 2000 Web posted at: 10:58 AM EDT (1458 GMT)
By Lance Morrow
(TIME.com) -- There's a scene in the movie "Analyze This" in which the mob boss's fat bodyguard, Jelly, describes himself, with endearing objectivity, as "a f------ moron." But when the psychiatrist (Billy Crystal) repeats the assessment, telling the goombah frankly that he really IS "a f------ moron," Jelly objects.
"From you," Jelly explains, "it sounds kinda negative."
The Democrats are sounding kinda negative about George W. Bush. They're using Jelly's language. Interested parties are filing nasty little amicus briefs all over the media, their viciousness flying just below the ethical radar -- not traceable, in any case, to the Democratic candidate himself, who is off working on merit badges in health care and sizzling monogamy. The word being delivered by Gore's helpers -- maliciously, humorously -- is that the governor of Texas, the Republican nominee for president of the United States, is "a f------ moron."
Here's Paul Begala, former Clinton White House counsel, in a new book, out next week, called "Is Our Children Learning? The Case Against George W. Bush": "You don't have what it takes to be president. Even your most loyal defenders say you're a few beans short of a full burrito."
. . . for the full story:
From: CNN allpolitics.com: http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/

Table of Contents

<:>i n t e r   a l i a<:>
28 September 2000
Happy Cabrillo Day - discovery of Calif (1542)

In Today's Issue

1. A Word A Day -- kakistocracy
2. Graphic of the Day -- Snowy Egret
3. QOTD -- Billy Collins
4. HotSites -- E-quariums
5. Reading List -- Trophy Wife Hits Lotto

1. A Word A Day

kakistocracy (kak-i-STOK-ruh-see, kah-ki-) noun
Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
[Greek kakistos, worst, superlative of kakos, bad + -cracy, government, rule.]
"Russia is proving the opposite. Late last year, the kakistocracy propping up Boris Yeltsin decided not to risk giving up power."
William Safire, Contrasting Elections, The New York Times, March 20, 2000.
>From A Word A Day:

2. Graphic of the Day

Snowy Egret
by David J. L'Hoste
GOTD Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_graphics.htm

3. QOTD -- Billy Collins

Child Development
As sure as prehistoric fish grew legs
and sauntered off the beaches into forests
working up some irregular verbs for their
first conversation, so three-year-old children
enter the phase of name-calling.
Every day a new one arrives and is added
to the repertoire. You Dumb Goopyhead,
You Big Sewerface, You Poop-on-the-Floor
(a kind of Navaho ring to that one)
they yell from knee level, their little mugs
flushed with challenge.
Nothing Samuel Johnson would bother tossing out
in a pub, but then the toddlers are not trying
to devastate some fatuous Enlightenment hack.
They are just tormenting their fellow squirts
or going after the attention of the giants
way up there with their cocktails and bad breath
talking baritone nonsense to other giants,
waiting to call them names after thanking
them for the lovely party and hearing the door close.
The mature save their hothead invective
for things: an errant hammer, tire chains,
or receding trains missed by seconds,
though they know in their adult hearts,
even as they threaten to banish Timmy to bed
or his appalling behavior,
that their bosses are Big Fatty Stupids,
their wives are Dopey Dopeheads
and that they themselves are Mr. Sillypants.
--Billy Collins

4. HotSites -- E-quariums

From Ocean Online
: http://www.oceansonline.com
HotSites Archive: http://lhostelaw.com/iaa/ia_hs.htm
Another: http://lhostelaw.com/ia/ia2/hot_archive.htm

5. Reading List - Trophy Wife Hits Lotto

A federal bankruptcy judge awarded former Playboy Playmate of the Year Anna Nicole Smith $449.7 million Wednesday in her claim to the estate of her late billionaire husband, Texas oilman J. Howard Marshall.
The former model for Playboy, Guess jeans and other magazines and advertisements, was working as a stripper at a topless bar in Houston when she met Marshall. She was 26 and he was 89 when they were married in 1994.
He died in 1995 at age 90, leaving behind a fortune estimated at as much as $1.6 billion.
. . . for the full story:
From: SALON http://www.salon.com
Table of Contents

Copyright © 2000 David J. L'Hoste
inter alia
inter alia too